We envision a world where immigrants are treated with dignity and care. 

In our vision, everyone’s needs are met, and we live in safety, peace, and power together under laws that are just and humane. 

All people experience freedom of movement, speech, and religion. All people are housed and have access to the healthcare they need – including gender-affirming and reproductive care. All people have access to the legal, language access, education, and community support they need to thrive. 

Our Mission

The Jewish Coalition represents a Jewish voice in the Pacific Northwest advancing immigrant justice and domestic policy at the local, state, and national level. 

We achieve this by organizing with Jewish communities, immigrant leaders, multifaith groups, and immigrant advocacy partners.

We believe that individuals will be moved to take action after witnessing our immigration system up close.

We bring people together across congregations, Jewish organizations, multi-faith communities and coalitions to build collective power and create structural and systemic change that centers those directly impacted.

The Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW was founded in 2017 to build a strong Jewish voice on immigrant justice.

Five multigenerational women from different synagogues joined together to activate Jewish community and launched JCIJ as an independent organization.

JCIJ mobilizes individuals, congregations and Jewish-led organizations throughout Washington and Portland, Oregon. JCIJ is in deep relationship with immigrant-led and partner immigrant advocacy orgs and follows the lead of those who are directly impacted. JCIJ helped launch the WA Immigrant Solidarity Network’s Fair Fight Bond Fund in 2018.

JCIJ incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2023 to grow our capacity and reach through accompaniment, advocacy, and community engagement.