
Accompaniment provides a space to walk alongside immigrants as they navigate a complicated, often intimidating system. We accompany people to their immigration appointments, bond people out of detention, staff legal clinics, and organize mutual aid.

Walking side-by-side with individual community members

Community members express that they feel safer if someone comes with them as they enter institutions that threaten to deport and separate their families. So, we walk side by side with immigrant community members, offering Chesed - loving kindness, solidarity, and community. We are there for our neighbors, building trusting relationships that affirm Kavod ha’briyot, the dignity of all.

Accompaniment volunteers provide support to immigrant community members in King and Pierce Counties to immigration court, ICE check ins, USCIS biometrics appointments, bond people out of detention, medical appointments, and more.

"It made me feel secure and supported. Facing ICE is very frightening. Being with one of you made me feel safe. I recommend it for all immigrants!"

- Immigrant community member accompanied by JCIJ

Building capacity at ally organizations

JCIJ organizes volunteers to participate in organizational allyship - supporting organizations that serve immigrants by building their capacity. JCIJ maximizes the capacity of immigration lawyers by mobilizing volunteers to support them with clerical tasks. JCIJ coordinates volunteers to staff legal clinics for asylum seekers and those who qualify for Temporary Protective Status at Riverton Church.

We support organizations already working with impacted communities by offering time and resources and leveraging volunteer hours to free up skilled staff to serve more clients.

"JCIJ has been an absolute blessing for us at Colectiva Legal, to our clients and our community. They truly care about rights and justice for everyone and are willing to give their time, expertise, and support to anyone who needs it, whether it's giving a ride to a community member or preparing translations for our cases. We appreciate JCIJ's genuine love of people, no matter where they come from and no matter where they are!"

- Katie Heidt, paralegal at Colectiva Legal del Pueblo

Mutual Aid

JCIJ mobilizes faith communities to participate in mutual aid, especially to support the needs of newly arrived migrant families. JCIJ also assists the WA Immigrant Solidarity Network in delivering Welcome Packages to newly arrived migrants.

Join JCIJ Accompaniment today!

Join the Jewish Coalition to accompany immigrant community members, volunteer with organizational allyship, and support mutual aid efforts. We will provide orientation, training, and support.

Request a JCIJ Accompaniment Training

Would you like to host an Accompaniment Training for members of your organization or congregation? Training includes Immigration 101, purpose of Accompaniment, connection to Jewish tradition, role of the volunteer, specific roles and training, and practice role playing.