Our Values

Dignity of All, Kavod Ha’briyot 

We believe in the shared dignity of all beings. Honoring the dignity of others strengthens the dignity of all as our liberation is connected. 

Joy, Tikvah

We bring hope and joy to our work, building resilience to oppose oppression to bring about the world we wish to see. 

From Generation to Generation, L’dor Vador 

We are connected to generations throughout time in pursuit of safety and dignity, dependent on being welcomed as the stranger. We are a multigenerational organization committed to fighting for justice from generation to generation.

Solidarity through Loving Kindness, Chesed 

We build trusting relationships and allyship rooted in loving kindness. We stand with those who are vulnerable, especially as we historically and presently feel vulnerable.  

Justice Justice, We Shall Pursue, Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof

We are committed to take action to fight injustice knowing that repairing the world can only occur by joining with and building alongside others.

“May the Jewish Coalition grow to raise Jewish voices from all over the Pacific NW in solidarity with immigrants.

May the Jewish Coalition help us all to show up for immigrants and raise our Jewish voices on immigration policy issues.

May your work in this coalition open your heart and steady your hand.

And may JCIJ build from love, from justice, from peace, from joy.”

-Rabbi Jay LeVine